Companies that provide financial services require special permission to function. Obtaining a financial license in Gibraltar is mandatory for many types of activities and our team can help you apply for one as needed. A Gibraltar financial license is issued by the Financial Services Commission after the completion of the…
A business license in Gibraltar is required for most companies, for various types of activities. Licensing and renewal submissions are made to the Office of Fair Trading, belonging to the Government of Gibraltar and can be assisted by our team. The need to obtain a trade license in Gibraltar is…
Gibraltar's property ownership laws typically embrace foreign nationals, allowing them to freely engage in real estate transactions. While there are no explicit legal barriers for foreign ownership or sale, it's prudent to seek guidance from our local agents to navigate any recent regulatory updates regarding buying property in Gibraltar. Our agents…
Gibraltar companies operating outside the European Union (EU) and engaging in taxable transactions across one or more EU Member States may be required to designate a fiscal representative for handling their VAT operations. If you are conducting such activities, please get in touch with our fiscal representative in Gibraltar. Our fiscal representative…
In Gibraltar, fiduciary relations are primarily governed by the Trusts (Recognition) Act of 1989. This act recognizes the validity of trusts created under the laws of other jurisdictions and provides a legal framework for the recognition and enforcement of foreign trusts in Gibraltar. If you are seeking any kind of fiduciary…